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Did you know..

Everyday the average person creates approximately 146gb of data. This means over a 50-year period you could have created a data footprint in excess of 2 million gigabytes – enough to fill 5000 laptops!


When we pass on, what happens to our personal data?  We must plan and decide what we need to keep and wish to be removed. 


Photos, Videos, and financial assets are valuable to our loved ones, however, we should not burden or disturb them with unwanted digital legacy and data recovery issues

What's the solution?

Erazme provides support in the management of legacy data.  In short, we help you to pass on what you want and delete what you don’t.

Examples of previous support provided

  • Management and cancellation of ongoing cyber security services

  • Cancellation of ongoing local authority charges

  • Cancellation of redundant memberships

  • Transferring photos and videos from cloud services to the Data Recipient

  • Cancellation of licenses


Be prepared – don’t wait until it's too late!


Contact us today to get your own free excel template to complete and lodge with Erazme and/or the person whom you plan to look after your wishes.


 Just complete the few questions below or click the inquiry button or send an email to


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